Mr Bill Roberts has joined the OT team as the recipient of a Fulbright Grant to research the USC occupational therapy program and as a short-term faculty member
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The Trinidad Express Newspaper on Tuesday confirmed that Ms. Makeda Antoine, a graduate of the University of the Southern Caribbean will assume duties as Ambassador of the Republic
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The 15th annual George and Esther Simmons Lectureship is set to take place on November 6, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency. This lecture features Professor Emeritus, Peter H. Russell
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The date for the completion of the first wing of the new female residence hall has been earmarked as November 30, 2017.
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The USC-School of Business team won a debate against student of The UWI at the annual Conference of the Economy (COTE) debate.
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The School of Education and Humanities made history at the University of the Southern Caribbean with the launch of the book Caribbean Musings: Narratives of Identity.
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Hundreds crowded the Social Sciences auditorium on September 29, 2017, for a "Love You Can Feel" Concert which formed part of a Disaster Relief Campaign "Care, Share, Repair."
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The University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), along with the School of Social Sciences mourns the loss of an outstanding professor and colleague, Dr Rose Osuji.
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Dr Hilary Bowman, University President, called upon all stakeholders to assist in perfecting the image of the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC).
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Students at the USC South Center can now have access to more facilities and programmes as a result of the Center’s recent relocation. On September 4, 2017, the Center will open...
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University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) alumni observed their alma mater’s 90th Anniversary during a week-long celebratory period which took from July 14 - 23, 2017
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