By Mrs. Lois Baynes, Director, Student Advisement Center & Ms. Simone Augustus, Communications Specialist, Office of the President
The spirit of giving has long been at the heart of the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), and nowhere is this more evident than in the Student Advisement Center’s (SAC) Community Hamper Project. What began as a simple act of kindness has since evolved into a cherished annual tradition, bringing comfort and cheer to students and families in need.
In 2015, instead of accepting the customary birthday celebration at the University of the Southern Caribbean’s Student Advisement Center (SAC), the February birthday celebrant requested that the funds be used to assist a needy family in the community. The SAC team agreed, marking the beginning of its first humanitarian project.

After extensive efforts to identify an eligible family, Mrs. Charmaine Jardine-Brisbane, principal of the Maracas SDA Primary School, suggested Mr. Kumar Ramlochand, a single father of four children living in humble conditions in the Tunapuna area. The SAC team accepted the recommendation, and Mr. Ramlochand became the first recipient of what was then called the “Love They Can Feel” SAC project. On February 15, 2015, SAC staff, along with Dr. Andy Manzano, visited the family and contributed TT$1,100 worth of groceries and baby supplies.
Building on the momentum of their first outreach, the SAC team broadened the initiative in 2016 to include students who remained in USC’s Residence Halls during the Christmas break. The project was aptly renamed the SAC Dorm & Community Hamper Project. That year, 14 hampers were distributed in December to Residence Hall students as well as needy families in the Maracas community.

By 2017, the initiative had gained corporate support, allowing the team to reach even more individuals. The project provided hampers to students in USC’s Residence Halls, students at USC’s various Extension Sites, and residents of the Married Students Complex who remained on campus during the Christmas break. That year, 16 family hampers and a large package of food supplies were distributed to students in the extension dorm, men’s dorm, and ladies’ dorm.
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the SAC Christmas Hamper Project continued to grow in scale and impact. A significant milestone was reached in 2023 when the SAC team, guided by faith, distributed 50 hampers. These hampers supported USC dorm students, needy families in Lluengo Village, and two families each from the Maracas SDA Primary and Maracas SDA Secondary Schools.

The momentum carried into December 2024, when the SAC team increased the hamper count to 65, further extending the reach of their benevolence. USC dorm students, families from the Maracas Primary and Secondary Schools, and members of the Lluengo community were among the grateful recipients.

With eyes set on an even more impactful future, the SAC team has set an ambitious goal for 2025—a golden year of giving. By God’s grace, they aim to distribute 100 hampers, continuing to uphold USC’s mission of service and community engagement.