This Is Your Time. You Are Invited.

Although we won't have the opportunity to welcome you on campus, we'd like to invite you to take part in a special virtual experience. And we encourage you to return to the website throughout April, as we will be continually adding new features to help you explore what your future as a USC student will look like. 

What we expect

Our greatest gift to our students is an environment which fosters development pleasing to God and producing well rounded students.


Our chaplains are our students' spiritual support. They encourage exploration and development of a greater relational knowledge of God during their time at USC.

Mission outreach

Our most noble pursuit is service. Outreach and missions train and equip ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Student ministries

Student Ministries enable students to be part of ministry to others.

Week of Prayer

During semesters one and two a Week of Prayer session is held on our main campus. During this week, classes are adjusted so students can attend all sessions. Week of prayer dates are normally posted to our academic calendar.


Chapel is a key part of USC life and is held every Monday during regular semesters. It provides a place for the campus community to come together for more than just worship experience, but to promote the university's conviction that education is of eternal value.