
These are graduates and former students.

Add/Drop Period

A period set aside by the university for students to change their schedule by adding or dropping courses. At USC this period is the first two weeks of semesters one and two. 

Associate Degree

The degree awarded after completing a program of study, usually designed to be completed in two academic years.

Bachelors Degree

The degree awarded after completing a program of study, usually designed to be completed in four academic years (9 semesters).

Blended courses

A mode of study that allows the student to complete university both courses online and in class, without having to attend all class lectures or seminars. Several courses at USC are delivered using the blended format.

Course Outline

A document provided by the Instructor at the beginning of the semester outlining all course related materials such as topics and assessment.


A programme of academic study over two years or four years. Associate and Masters usually are completed over two years ( four to five semester).

Dormitory Student

A student studying at USC living in one of our residence halls. Regardless of age, residence hall rules are enforced.


Campuses are locations where academic instruction is delivered. USC has seven campuses, six of these are called extension campuses. Extension campuses may not have all facilities as the main campus.


Classes at USC usually last an hour and 15 minutes and are held from Mondays to Thursday during each semester.

Co-requisite course

Courses that must be undertaken prior to, or alongside, the specified course, unless an override is obtained. 

Cognate Course

A course related to the courses in a major program or to a degree requirement. Cognate courses are often offered by departments outside of the degree program. For example, computer majors are required to do a number of cognate math courses. 


A weighting that determines academic work based on hours. Course weightings across our programmes run from 1 credit ( some general education courses) up to 4 credits ( courses with labs ). Students must complete 130 credits to complete their undergraduate degree.

Dean’s List

A list published each semester naming those undergraduate students who have achieved a high scholastic standing for the previous semester.  

Distance Education

A mode of study that allows the student to complete university courses remotely, without having to attend in class lectures or seminars.

Elective courses

Course where students may choose which contributes to their degree requirements. In most programmes, students can choose a number of electives but are advised to seek academic advisement before doing so.


Enrollment is the completion of the registration process affording the full rights of being a USC student. Enrollment is accomplished by the payment/processing of tuition and fees and by satisfaction of other obligations to the University, such as student contract and new student orientation.

Finance Clearance

The process required by Student Finance that clears you to attend classes.


Registered full-time students usually take three or four years to complete a degree course. At USC our Undergraduate degree requires nine (9) semesters of full-time study to complete.


A grade point average (GPA) is an internationally recognised method of assigning a numerical index on a scale from 0 to 4 of academic performance. 


A grade point average (GPA) is an internationally recognised method of assigning a numerical index on a scale from 0 to 4 of academic performance. 


A person upon who a degree has been conferred.


The ceremony at which degrees are conferred either in person or, if you do not attend, in absentia.


A period of time at the beginning of the academic year during which new students are provided information to get their academic life started.


The situation where a student takes a greater than a standard full-time load of 16 credits per semester. Overload must be approved as they require a SIS system override. Overload may be granted to students with exceptional GPAs.


Part-time students can take a maximum of twelve credits per semester while pursuing an approved course of study.

Required courses

Courses required to be completed to satisfy some or all of the requirements of an award and cannot normally be replaced by alternative courses. Compulsory courses are offered every calendar year.


Courses required to be completed to satisfy some or all of the requirements of an award and cannot normally be replaced by alternative courses. Compulsory courses are offered every calendar year.


A school is a grouping of similar departments. At USC there are five schools.


A period of study lasting typically between 12 to 16 weeks.


These are similar to tutorials but usually, involve larger numbers of students who meet with the tutor to discuss work presented by individuals or groups of students.


The amount of money that the University requires to fund your academic study over a period of time.