Examination Schedule & Guidelines

Final exams for Semester II, 2024/2025 have been scheduled for April 14-25, 2025. ALL examination sessions will begin at either 9:00am, 1:00pm / 5:00pm.

  • For the Main Campus, examinations will be held in the USC Auditorium
  • Information regarding examination venues/rooms for extension sites will be provided by the respective site directors/coordinators.
  • International students are advised not to make travel plans between the stated dates once they have face-to-face examinations.

Request for an Examination Letter to Your Employer

Working students may require time off from their jobs for scheduled final examinations. Should a letter be required from the University, please click on the button below to make your request. Please note that responses to requests for examination letters will be provided after the publication of the 2nd Draft of the examination schedule as there may be changes to the schedule.

Examination Clash

If you have an Examination Clash (two (2) or more courses with the same date and time), please click the button below to report. ALL clashes must be reported three (3) business days in advance.

Guidelines for Students During Exams

  • You MUST present your USC ID CARD at the entrance of the examination hall.
  • USC’s Dress Code WILL be in effect.
  • You MUST attend all exams unless prevented by illness or other extenuating circumstances.
  • You MUST NOT enter an exam room more than half an hour after the start of an exam.
  • You MUST NOT leave an exam less than half an hour before the end.
  • You MUST enter an exam room in silence
  • You MUST place bags and coats etc. in the designated Bag Zone (NB1 Classroom, Social Sciences Building (The building opposite the USC Auditorium (Main Campus location)
  • You SHOULD arrive at the exam room at least 15 minutes before the exam is due to start in order to hear any announcements.
  • Mobile phones, smart watches or similar electronic data storage or communication devices are NOT ALLOWED in the examination hall.
  • You MUST NOT have any unauthorized material in the examination room. whilst under examination conditions, including books, manuscripts, calculator cases, or a mobile phone, or any other electronic data storage device.
  • You MUST NOT take into an exam room any blank paper; all rough work MUST be done in the exam booklets which are provided.
  • You MAY take into an exam room any pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, pencil sharpeners, and permitted technical drawing equipment (such as protractors and compasses). You MUST NOT bring in any pencil case or box for these items
  • You MUST NOT disturb other candidates. You MUST follow any instructions given by an invigilator
  • You MUST NOT communicate with any other candidate in an exam room or pass a calculator to any other candidate during an examination
  • You MUST NOT impersonate another exam candidate or allow yourself to be impersonated.
  • You MUST put your student ID card or other photo identification on your exam desk
  • You MUST NOT use scrap paper and MUST do all rough work in your answerbook
  • You MUST NOT leave the exam room until your exam answer book has been collected and MUST NOT take any other item provided out of the exam room unless you are allowed to do so.
  • If you arrive late, you WILL NOT be allowed extra time.
  • You SHOULD write legibly on your examination scripts.
  • If fall ill during an examination and wish to leave the room, temporarily or permanently, you MUST inform an invigilator.
  • If you have a disability and need adjustments made to your exam arrangements, you SHOULD seek advice as early as possible before the exams from your respective School.
  • Unless stated otherwise, you MUST only use an approved calculator You MUST NOT have any cover on your calculator during an exam.
  • You MAY take a clear plastic bottle of water into an exam room. You MUST NOT bring in any other type of bottle and no other drink or food unless you have a declared medical condition and have been given permission to do so through the University Doctor (Health Services).
  • We strongly recommend that you use the washroom prior to the start of examinations.