If you would like to make a payment to the University of the Southern Caribbean via international bank wire transfer, please use the information below. Please follow instructions with care. Include the student’s name and student ID number in the memo section of the wire transfer document.

USD Dollar transaction

RBC Royal Bank, Eastern Main Road, St Augustine Bank of New York, 48 Wall Street, NY, NY, USA. ABA# 021-000-018 to credit A/C # 890-0016-329 in the name of RBC Bank T&T Ltd. For further credit to A/C # 1000 180 103 16573, Swift Code –RBTTTTPX in the name of University of the Southern Caribbean. 

UK Pound/Sterling transaction

RBC Royal Bank, Eastern Main Road, St Augustine, National Westminster Bank PLC, Devonshire Square, London, EC2M 4XB, GB. Swift Code-NWBKGB2L in the name of RBC Bank T&T Ltd. For further credit to A/C # 1000 180 103 16573, Swift Code –RBTTTTPX in the name of University of the Southern Caribbean

EURO Transaction – through Belgium

RBC Royal Bank, Eastern Main Road, St Augustine, ING Belgium NZ/SA Marnix Building, 1050 Brussels Belgium. Swift Code-BBRUBEBB010 in the name of RBC Bank T&T Ltd. For further credit to A/C # 1000 180 103 16573, Swift Code –RBTTTTPX in the name of University of the Southern Caribbean.

EURO Transaction – through Germany

RBC Royal Bank, Eastern Main Road, St Augustine, Deutsche Bank AG, 60262 Frankfurt AM Main, Germany. Swift Code-DEUTDEFF in the name of RBC Bank T&T Ltd. For further credit to. A/C # 1000 180 103 16573, Swift Code –RBTTTTPX in the name of University of the Southern Caribbean.


The bank that sends your wire and/or any intermediary bank that handles your wire may deduct fees. You are responsible for determining the total cost of any fees and should increase the total amount due on your bill to include these fees in your wire transfer to ensure the total amount due is received by the University.