#VOTESENIOR 2024 | It's Time to Cast Your Vote!
#VOTESENIOR 2024 | Meet the Nominees!
Roles & Functions of Senior Class Officers
- Chairs executive and class meetings under the direction of the sponsors
- Oversees the functions of the other committees
- Attends graduation steering committees
- Acts as facilitator and mediator to communicate all decisions and encourage participation, unity and commitment to the class projects, goals and objectives.
- Responds on behalf of the class at class functions and receptions/banquets.
- Submits recommended names of speakers for the graduation Friday evening Consecration Service to the Office of the Provost.
- Submits a copy of the class song to the Music Department and fosters cordial relationships with the music department, including seeking advice from the chair of the music department.
- Develops and defines in consultation with the class and submits to the Office of the Provost, the Class Aim, Motto, Text, Colours by the published calendar date.
- Conducts the Class selection of the following committees to function for the duration of the Senior Class:
- Social Activities Committee
- Gift to the School Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Sabbath School Planning Committee
- Committee to work with the President’s Secretary for planning the AY – Honouring parents/guardians program
- Class Memorabilia Purchases [includes year-dated class stoles for Commencement]
- Committee to work with Graduate Records on Class Recruitment Brochure
Vice President
- Assists the President in organizing and planning the activities of the class.
- Records and prepares minutes for each class meeting
- Prepares and delivers necessary correspondence
- Keeps an accurate record of the names and email addresses of all class members
- Submits a list of names and email addresses of class members to the Alumni Association.
- Posts dates, times and venues for Class meetings on campus bulletin boards and newsletter via the Communications Department
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer:
- Records and keeps an accurate account of the financial information of the class
- Prepares and presents the voted class budget to the Office of the Provost for the Graduation Steering Committee.
- Assists the Secretary in their duties.
Public Relations Officer:
- Is responsible for all communication between the admission, the senior class executive and all senior class members. This would include, but not limited to: Notices of meetings, announcements for deadlines, creation and running of the senior class facebook page, the school’s website, as well as emails to all senior class members.
- Plans spiritual activities for the class
- Sets the spiritual tone for the class
- Presents a short response to the Homily at the Consecration Service.
- Ensures that parliamentary procedures are followed at all times.
- Writes lyrics for the class song
- Captures class activities in poetry
- Prepares and compiles poetic works from other class members for inclusion in a Class Recruitment Brochure or Class Yearbook
- Records significant contributions, works, awards, scholarships, academic achievements, community works or projects involving members of the class
- Records significant academic or professional conferences attended by class members.
- Conducts and records results of exit interviews with class members, and indicates how each member perceived their degree programs may have been structured differently to provide them with additional skills or any other items which they felt their programs lacked.
Floor Members (2 Positions):
Represents the interests of other class members on the executive or other committees.
Senior Class Sponsors:
The senior class sponsors are the official representatives of both the faculty and administration and, as such, speak in the name of the entire faculty and with its authority. The system is set up to be advisory with a view of placing large responsibility upon students for the management of student activities.
As far as possible, sponsors should seek by wise counsel to integrate the program of extra-curricular activities with the academic programme of the institution.
Relation to Administration
The sponsors of the Senior Class are responsible to the Office of the Provost.
Responsibility of the Sponsors:
- To determine that meetings are not scheduled during worship periods unless approved by residence hall deans.
- To be present at all meetings of the senior class
- To assist in the planning of class activities, which are in accordance with the university’s philosophy and policy.
- To serve as ex-officio members of all committees of the class.
- To seek approval for all campus activities.
- To inform the Provost of activities planned, and plan class activities at a time that will not conflict with other planned programs on campus.
- To serve as liaison between the Senior Class and the Administration, representing the interests of the class at the graduation steering committee.