Founded in 1927 the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), the longest serving higher education in the southern Caribbean, celebrates 94 years of providing transformative education. On the weekend of August 27-29, 2021, USC will climax with apposite fanfare the celebration of our 94th anniversary.
Under the patronage of our 29th president, Dr. Colwick M. Wilson, USC’s administration, faculty, staff, and students invite you to our Founders’ Day 2021 celebration. Our festivities this year, themed “Celebrating our Legacy: Reconnect, Recommit, Reimagine” will intentionally optimize the advantages afforded by virtual communication technology to tightly wrap the globe with rich opportunities for USCian patriotism, comradeship, exchange, sharing and the reunion of USC alumni and friends wherever they are.
Beginning on August 1, 2021, as we countdown to Founders’ Day 2021, our website, social platforms and other media will come alive with stories and memories of our alumni who are #USCSTRONG, tributes to our beloved alma mater, and visions of the present-day USC continuously moving Beyond Excellence!
Reconnect: Friday, August 27, 2021

Recommit: Saturday, August 28, 2021

Reimagine: Sunday, August 29, 2021

Thank you for pledging your support to USC.
Bank Deposit & Online Transfer
Payments at the Bank and Online Transfers (TTD):
RBC Royal Bank Account Number (Savings account): 1000-040-102-13404
Republic Bank Account Number (Chequing account): 3501-594-29201
Credit Card
Enter the third party payment key: 47938727
Select the “Payment Type” as Donation
Currency amounts can only be written in Trinidad and Tobago dollars. (Conversion USD$1.00: TTD$6.70)
Payable To: USC Alumni Association, N.A. INC
Mailing Address:
P. O. BOX 11277
Takoma Park, MD 20913-1277
On cheque or supporting note indicate the specific project to which you are donating: Scholarships/ School of Nursing and Allied Health/ Ladies Residence Hall/ Timothy Greaves Residence Hall.
International Wire Transfer
International Wire Transfer (USD):
Beneficiary: University of the Southern Caribbean
Beneficiary Address: Maracas Royal Road, St. Joseph
Beneficiary Account Number: 1000 180 103 16573
Beneficiary Bank Name: RBC Bank T&T Ltd.
Beneficiary Name Bank Address: St. Augustin Shopping Centre, EMR, St. Augustine Swift Code: RBTTTTPX
Intermediary Bank: Bank of New York
Intermediary Bank Address: 48 Wall Street, NY, NY, USA ABA/Routing: 021-000-018
Intermediary Bank Account: 890-0016-329 in the name of RBC Bank T&T LTD