OT welcomes new faculty member
The Department of Occupational Therapy (OT) at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) has welcomed an additional faculty member to its renowned and highly qualified team. Mr Bill Roberts, a native of Texas, USA joined the OT Team in November as the recipient of a Fulbright Student Grant to research the USC occupational therapy program and as a short-term faculty member. He is a registered Occupational Therapist in the USA with over 16 years of experience.
His many accomplishments include: Helping Child Vision Sri Lanka implement a Community-based rehabilitation programme in Puttalam, Sri Lanka in 2011/12, training volunteers to work with people with disabilities in underserved areas. He has also taught pediatric occupational therapy and occupational therapy process courses in the USA and Sri Lanka.
While at USC, his research will uncover how culture and context influence occupational therapy curricula. The research will look into how the USC Masters of Occupational Therapy program implements a curriculum that is intentionally designed to reflect and suit the needs of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean.
The Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy offered at USC is accredited by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) and is the only program of its kind offered in the region.
The application deadline for 2018 intake is February 28, 2018.
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USC alumna named UN Ambassador
The Trinidad Express Newspaper on Tuesday confirmed that
“Minister Moses congratulated Ambassador Antoine on her appointment and thanked her for her willingness to serve Trinidad and Tobago.” (Trinidad Express)
In a statement on Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs said that on Monday, Minister Dennis Moses presented the instrument of appointment on behalf of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.”
The University of the Southern Caribbean extends sincere congratulations to “Her Excellency” Makeda Antoine on this notable appointment.
USC continues to impact its students holistically and prepares them to be agents of change and citizens of good repute around the globe through the values which it espouses. As one of three Universities in the Twin Island Republic, USC boasts a morally, spiritually and culturally diverse environment that is ideal for learning. USC’s mission is to “transform ordinary people into extraordinary servants of God to humanity through a holistic tertiary educational experience”, and for 90 years we have stood by, and will continue to stand by this mandate.
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Annual George Simmons lectureship to take place
The George and Esther Book Collection at the University of the Southern Caribbean is delighted to present its fifteenth Annual Public Lecture to the academic and corporate communities of Trinidad and Tobago. This sustained effort has afforded many persons the privilege of exposure to brilliant scholars who have made significant contributions to knowledge fields like philosophy, morality, multiculturalism and linguistics.
Drs. George and Esther Simmons, residents of Maryland, USA and alumni of USC have generously sponsored the lecturers and utilized their vast network of highly distinguished scholars to facilitate the series. Presenters attracted have come from Harvard, Oxford, Yale, St. Andrews and other outstanding institutions and each has succeeded in bringing “fresh breaths of academic excellence” to his/her audience.
Peter H. Russell is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Toronto where he has taught since 1958. He was the Principal of Innis College and the founding Principal of Senior College, the University of Toronto’s youngest college for its oldest scholars. His writings and public activities cover the fields of judicial, constitutional, Aboriginal and parliamentary politics. His most recent books are Two Cheers for Minority Government, Parliamentary Democracy in Crisis, Recognizing Native Title: Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism and, in 2017, Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests. He has served as the President of the Canadian Political Science Association and Chair of the Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy. He is the recipient of honorary degrees from a number of universities, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and an Officer of the Order of Canada.
The University of the Southern Caribbean looks forward to welcoming these distinguished scholars: Mr. Peter H. Russell, lecture presenter; and Dr. George Simmons, Professor Emeritus, State University of New York, College at Brockport, New York and sponsor of The George & Esther Simmons Book Collection Annual Public Lecture.
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Date for completion of female dormitory announced
The date for the completion of the first wing of the new female residence hall has been earmarked as November 30, 2017. This date was announced by University President, Hilary Bowman, who has been diligently working to realize the dream of relocating the female students to a new dormitory this semester.
Dr. Bowman thanks all those who rallied together with him in this mammoth assignment.
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USC triumphs again
Left – Daniel Roberts, Right – Craig Ferguson, 2nd from right – Anna Permell
The Conference of the Economy (COTE) University debate took place on September 28, 2017, between School of Business Students of USC and Economics students of The UWI, at the University of the West Indies. The topic for the debate was “Be it resolved that an Export-Led Growth Strategy and not an Import substituting one, is an imperative for achieving Economic Growth and Development”. The School of Business Students of USC – Daniel Roberts, Anna Permell and Craig Ferguson participated in the debate. The USC-School of Business team won the debate and was awarded a cash prize of $3,000 and in addition, reclaimed the trophy.
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Education and Humanities launches academic textbook
The School of Education and Humanities made history at the University of the Southern Caribbean with the launch of the book Caribbean Musings: Narratives of Identity on October 1, 2017. This multidisciplinary, multi-genre text, which is the first of its kind at the university, was constructed as a textbook for many courses offered in the School of Education and Humanities.
This momentous occasion was commemorated in New Building Auditorium from 4-6pm. The program began with congratulatory remarks offered by Dr. Kern Tobias, the President of Caribbean Union Conference, Dr. Hilary Bowman, the President of USC, Dr. Wanda Chesney, the Vice President for Academic Administration, Dr. Loverne Jacobs-Browne, the Dean of Education and Humanities and Dr. Susan Chand, the Director of Research and Innovation. Also in attendance was Pastor Leslie Moses, the President of South Caribbean Conference.
The keynote speaker Professor Bridget Brereton, Professor Emerita of History at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, focused her important and intriguing presentation on the significance of reading, writing and Caribbean scholarship. Another notable aspect of the program was the appearance of Ms Jean, a character in
Caribbean Musings: Narratives of Identity was initially imagined by instructors in the Department of Language and Communication who thought it was necessary to create teaching material which would be both contemporary, and pertinent to students enrolled in creative, literary and linguistic courses. The project ultimately evolved into a multidisciplinary manuscript which examines a wide range of historical, cultural, academic subjects and concerns. The first section of the text includes interesting and intricate issues which challenge Caribbean society and complicate Caribbean culture and identities. The second division is comprised of academic essays which navigate a variety of theoretical complexities within Caribbean narratives and scholarship. This book liberates the subjectivities and sensibilities of Caribbean citizens and affirms the significance and relevance of Caribbean scholarship
This unique collaborative project includes multiple Caribbean voices in creative writing, literature, history, technology and education. The editors of collection are Nicole Bengochea, Shelley Lyons, Meredith Montrichard and Fay White and the contributors include Petra Pierre-Robertson, Harold Ramoutar, Meredith Montrichard, Jay-Bonny King, Makyba Breezie, Janese Larocque, Leiba-Ann Ferreira, Renis Williams-Gabriel, Allison Campbell-Sanderson, Shelley Lyons, Fiona Rajkumar,
Copies of this textbook can be purchased at the School of Education and Humanities.
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Thousands raised in hurricane relief efforts
Hundreds crowded the Social Sciences auditorium on September 29, 2017, for a “Love You Can Feel” Concert which formed part of a Disaster Relief Campaign “Care, Share, Repair.” The campaign, which was launched by the University early last week, seeks to aid the rebuilding efforts in the Caribbean islands devastated by the recent hurricanes.
Following Hurricane Irma’s ruin in September,
“It is really mind-boggling to see the enormity of devastation and crisis caused by a single hurricane. Our hearts go out to those who suffer loss at this time. USC, in keeping with our philosophy and mission, will team up with the Caribbean Union Conference to immediately appeal to the university community to help in whatever way we could. USC must identify with our brothers and sisters and citizens of those islands affected.”
Scores felt the hurt and pain suffered by persons in countries such as Barbuda, Dominica, Anguilla, the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands and supported the relief efforts by donating food, clothing, and monies in the SHARE arm of the campaign.
At the end of the evening, a little over $30,000TT in cash donations and pledges was accumulated. This figure was then doubled to $60,000 TT through the kind contribution of a generous donor. Interested persons can continue to contribute by donating directly online via https://give.co.tt/loveyoucanfeel or by calling (1868) 662-2241.
The CARE arm of the campaign involves the provision of emotional and financial support for the students from the affected countries while the REPAIR part involves a mission trip to help repair homes and villages.
For more information on how you can be a part, visit the Office of Spiritual Development located downstairs the Administration Building or call 1(868) 662-2241 ext. 1502.
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USC mourns the passing of Professor
The University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), along with the School of Social Sciences mourns the loss of an outstanding professor and colleague, Dr Rose Osuji.
Dr Rose Osuji worked with the University of the Southern Caribbean from 1998 to May 2013 as an Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences until the time of her retirement. After her retirement in May of 2013, Dr Osuji continued to assist the University, working along with Mrs Anne Akpaka and Ms Zola Phillip in the development of the Undergraduate Programme—Criminology & Criminal Justice. She assisted with the Master’s Thesis Programme and was also an advisor to many students.
She was laid to rest on Tuesday, September 19, 2017.
Dr Rose Osuji will be missed by many of her colleagues and students at the University of the Southern Caribbean.
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President calls on stakeholders to help perfect USC’s image
In his address to hundreds of faculty, staff and students during the President’s Convocation ceremony on September 11, 2017, Dr Hilary Bowman, University President, called upon all stakeholders to assist in perfecting the image of the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC).
“USC, being the most prestigious faith-based tertiary institution in the Caribbean is still the preferred university for many,” he said. “It is, therefore, significant for all stakeholders to project that positive image of USC to the Caribbean Community and beyond.”
He reminded students that Deans, Vice Presidents and Chairs are all there to offer a listening ear and bring solutions to the problems that they may encounter and should seek to present their problems to them rather than first taking the problem to social media. He also committed to personally offer a listening ear if solutions are not met.
To faculty and staff, he offered a reminder of their responsibility to help to improve the public image of USC. “To improve this image we must be aware of how our constituents think of USC. If we know how they think about us then we could make a deliberate effort to correct any negatives if any” said Bowman.
In attendance of this prestigious event
The USC school year commenced on September 4, 2017, and will end with graduation in July 2018.
Photographic highlights of the event can be found here.
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South Centre finds new home
Students at the USC South Center can now have access to more facilities and programmes as a result of the Center’s recent relocation. On September 4, 2017, the Center will open its doors at #71 Leotard Street, San Fernando, to hundreds of students.
Assistant Director of the South Center, Mrs Beverly Khan-Alexis highlighted that the centre’s growing need for larger classrooms and other facilities was the driving force behind the move from its previous location on High Street in San Fernando. She confirmed that the new location will provide increased classroom space and more amenities.
Ms Usha Ramlakhan, Director of the Center said students can now look forward to a Chapel session, more social activities, clinical lab space for nursing students and a dedicated car park.
The South Center has a student population of approximately 350.
Behavioral Science, Psychology, Social Work and Nursing programmes can all be completed at the Center. A student desirous of pursuing other degrees offered at USC also has the option of completing their first two years in the south before transferring to the main campus.
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