Choosing Courses

As a Christian institution, the University requires all students to take one religion course per year. This is mandatory. You will not be allowed to graduate if you fall short.

Academic Calendar

Students are expected to pay attention to key dates published in our academic calendar.

School Office

Students are encouraged to not avoid the office of their academic school. Your first point of contact is your department chair, then your school office.

Student Finance

Students are expected to make sure all payments for university services, such as housing, meal plans and others as up to date. This is required in order to attend classes. If you need a payment plan, please start this process early.

Grow Spiritually

USC offers an environment in which you can develop both academically and spiritually. Above all things, we encourage you to grow deeper in the love of God.


The university's ethos seeks to prepare men and women for service. The rules which you agreed to accept which is part of our offer of study, are intended to encourage the best in you. We expect students to strive to that standard.