This Is Your Time. You Are Invited.

Although we won't have the opportunity to welcome you on campus, we'd like to invite you to take part in a special virtual experience. And we encourage you to return to the website throughout April, as we will be continually adding new features to help you explore what your future as a USC student will look like. 


The USC Alumni Association goes as far back to the 1940’s when all Chapters, internationally and the Caribbean fell under its guidance. Reading the College Tidings of October 1949 one sees the caption “CTC Alumni Association conducts weekend services”. The January-February issue and the July 1950 issues referred to general annual meetings of the “CTC Alumni Association” that were called on the campus. The January-February 1950 issue stated that on December 4, 1949, “Officers of the Association for 1950 were elected and the Class of 1949 was the last academic class to receive membership in the association” for that year.


With the formation of the umbrella Alumni Association, North America, the Chapters in the United States and Canada coordinate with each other and are closely knitted with the aim of pooling their energies to assist their alma mater. England and the island Chapters continue under the guidance of the Alumni Association, Home Base. Both Associations encourage the formation of Chapters to foster a spirit of loyalty to their alma mater and to coordinate project giving. They also maintain a communication link with the University Administration and the Office of Alumni Relations.

Contact the Office of Alumni Affairs

Telephone: (868) 662-2241 ext. 1001
Fax: (868) 662-1197