There has been a resurgence of quality events at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), due to the dedicated efforts of the staff in the Department of Student Life and Enrolment Management.
This semester, a series of activities are on the horizon for students and staff alike. Among these activities is the revival of the highly acclaimed “USC’s Got Talent” carded for March 22, 2018. The event will showcase the artistic abilities of USC students while providing them with a safe platform to express themselves and develop holistically.
According to Ms. Tricia Campbell, Associate Director of Student Life and Enrolment Management, “USC is continually working toward building multi-dimensional activities and lyceum events to engage students throughout their University life.”
A few of the listed activities for the semester include Ice-cream Social; Club Fair; Art Appreciation Day and Smoothie Challenge and COMMUSC, a community activity day.
For more information on non-sporting co-curricular student activities, please call 662-2241 ext. 2212 or email