The university takes the responsibility seriously to ensure that:

  • Our brand of education remains qualitative, sustainable, progressive, and affordable to our students.

  • And that we initiate programs and events, which allow us to be actively involved in community development and charity.

Planned Giving/Trust Services provides an organized system of philanthropy in which USC’s Alumni and ‘friends’ can partner with it to ensure the advancement of its mission and vision through much needed support – financial and otherwise. The Department of Planned Giving is staffed by loyal and committed individuals with requisite skills, professional experience, and passion to champion the cause of USC for this purpose.


This department is set-up specifically toOperate a system to manage and retain different categories of donors and donations.

  • Constantly make alumni and friends aware of the areas in which their finances, goods and services are needed for the advancement of USC.

  • Aid in acquiring sponsorship for various schools and departments aimed at specific projects and events, as far as they advance the Mission and Vision of USC.

  • Educate and set the precedence for effective stewardship.

  • Provide retirement and other financial planning in this regard.

What we offer?

  • Facility to Funds a Student Scholarship and Endowment in your name

  • Facility for Estate Planning-Preparation of Wills, Trusts and Annuities

  • Facility and opportunities to give to as many of USC’s student centered events and community projects as you desire.

Office contact information

Phone :1- (868) 662-2241/2 Ext. 1525, 1527

Fax: (868) 645-9866
