The Professional Development Institute (PDI)

Learning, Learning by Doing, and Doing


The Professional Development Institute (PDI) was established to enable the University to respond more efficiently and effectively to market demand for professional training. PDI offers professional courses and programmes for early and mid-career professionals, pre-professionals, and those who have an interest in or aptitude for but have not had any formal training in an area. PDI courses and programmes equip the student with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and attitudes that are relevant and current. They are grounded in the foundations of the discipline, profession, or occupation, but tilt more towards practice than theory, and help the student step seamlessly from the classroom into the workspace.

How PDI Tailors Learning to Your Needs

PDI also designs, develops, and delivers courses and programmes in response to the expressed needs of institutions. These bespoke programmes are tailored to respond to the specific context, aspirations and operations of the client-institution. The Professional Development Institute offers courses organised in three Terms.  Each Term runs for twelve to fourteen weeks, as follows: mid-September to mid-December; mid-January to mid-April; and mid-May to mid-August.  The dates for specific courses are indicated on the course flyer below.  The course schedules are posted just prior to the start of the course.  Courses are conducted on Zoom or face-to-face (residential and non-residential). Payment for each  programme must be completed before the course ends, in order to receive the credential.  Students may request to go on a payment plan to facilitate their on-time payments.

PDI Courses

Registration & Payment Instructions

Registration Process

To register for a PDI course:

  1. Make a payment using any of the payment options outlined on the Payment tab. 
  2. Complete the registration form, located on the Register tab. You will be required to upload a copy of your receipt.

Making a Payment

Option One - Pay via Credit Card (TTD)

  • Go to:
  • Enter the third party payment key: 17034302
  • Select "Short Courses" from the Type of Payments dropdown menu.
  • Currency amounts can only be written in Trinidad and Tobago dollars.
  • Fill out your card details and billing information.
  • Verify that you have inserted the correct information and click “PAY NOW”.
  • You will receive an email as confirmation of your payment

Option Two – Pay by Online Transfer/Bank Deposit (TTD)

  • RBC Royal Bank Account Number: 1000-040-102-13404
  • Republic Bank Account Number: 3501-594-29201

Option Three - Pay via International Wire Transfer (USD)

  • Beneficiary: University of the Southern Caribbean
  • Beneficiary Address: Maracas Royal Road, St. Joseph
  • Beneficiary Account Number: 1000 180 103 16573
  • Beneficiary Bank Name: RBC Bank T&T Ltd.
  • Beneficiary Name Bank Address: St. Augustine Shopping Centre, EMR, St. Augustine
  • Swift Code: RBTTTTPX
  • Intermediary Bank: Bank of New York
  • Intermediary Bank Address: 48 Wall Street, NY, NY, USA ABA/Routing: 021-000-018
  • Intermediary Bank Account: 890-0016-329 in the name of RBC Bank T&T LTD

Option Four - Pay via Aeorion

  • Need Student ID and Third Party Key : 17034302
  • Go to Aeorion's home page at
  • Click on the Third Party Payment link 
  • Enter the Third Party Payment Key, then proceed
  • Fill out the Credit Card details and Billing information
  • Click on Pay Now
  • An email will be sent to the user as confirmation of payment

PDI Registration Form

Click the button below to register for PDI courses:

Contact Us:

Reach the PDI:

  • Telephone: (868) 662-2241/2 ext. 1051
  • Email Address:

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Closed on public holidays.

Special Education for Professionals

The programme is organised in six modules, each comprising 30 professional development hours on a virtual learning platform for three weeks, with classes during the fourth week devoted to formal assessment. It provides participants with a clear understanding of the dimensions of special education, and helps participants identify and develop their own skills for their own areas of responsibilities as they relate to and complement the responsibilities of others. The programme is suitable for early and mid-career Lawyers, Officers of Family Court, Juvenile Detention Officers, Social Workers, Guidance Counsellors, School Psychologists, School Principals and Education Policy and Planning Officers who interact with, support and/or act on behalf of children and adolescents.

For more information. Contact +1 868 662 - 2241, 612 - 4872 ext. 1051 or Email

Special Education Diagnostics


This diagnostics course in special education provides an introduction to the role of related service professionals who provide services in the areas of Speech Pathology, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. It provides a general overview of these related service areas, global and national history and policies, and the role each plays in special education. The course is intended to provide newcomers to special education with a strong baseline of information that enables the student to engage more fully in various dimensions and levels of special education, and to build on the knowledge base in terms of their own knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This course comprises lectures, home assignments and mid and end-semester assessments. 

For more information. Contact +1 868 662 - 2241, 612 - 4872 ext. 1051 or Email

Special Education Law


This foundational course in special education law introduces the student to the legislative and legal frameworks thaguide special education advocacy and delivery at the international, regional, and national (student’s country) levels. It explains thelinkages and demarcations between advocacy and the law, and between the law and special education delivery. The course is intended to provide newcomers to special education with a strong grounding in the relevant legislative and legal frameworks that govern individual, organisational, and societal design and delivery of special education, touching on the rights of persons with special needs and the responsibilities of their caregivers, education providers and the state.  The course comprises lectures, assignments, as well as formative and summative assessments.

For more information. Contact +1 868 662 - 2241, 612 - 4872 ext. 1051 or Email

Real Estate Brokerage & Agency Principles

This Professional Certificate has been designed to provide the knowledge required to become an efficient Real Estate Agent, executing the highest standard of Global Brokerage Practice. All programme development and delivery protocols are in accordance with United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).
Formal, Professional Real Estate Development is essential to delivering efficient and respected service to the industry’s stakeholders. The services of professional, knowledgeable Real Estate Agents are in high demand, as such attributes foster higher transaction volumes and inspire trust in the profession. Particularly where there is much economic uncertainty, the advice of Real Estate Professionals is of great value to investors and industry affiliates alike.

For more information. Contacr +1 868 662 - 2241, 612 - 4872 ext. 1051 or Email

Real Estate Finance

The Real Estate Finance Essentials course is a specialized program developed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in real estate finance. Through a combination of theoretical learning and practical exercises, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of key financial concepts and their application in the Caribbean real estate industry.

For more information. Contact +1 868 662 - 2241, 612 - 4872 ext. 1051 or Email